Sunday, February 17, 2008

Neti pot

Waterboarding? Ha!
Get those terrorists to talk
With a neti pot

Say, hey there, big boy
Come over here and let me
Please you nasally

Why I clean my pipes
Once a day? So I can keep
The doctor away

Come on, let's face it
This may be healthy, but I
Look ridiculous

Is it possible
To look at this picture and
Not see a phallus?

I don't mind the jokes;
'Cause as you can clearly see
Blondes have way more fun

I have more than air
In between my ears; you see
I have water too

Dude, I'm so wasted!
This wicked neti pot is
Waaaay better than crack

Lady, you have hit
rock bottom in Hollywood
with this funky ad

Your best glamor shot?
Are you kidding me? You're done
in Hollywood now

Hard up for a job?
Desp'rate for that next paycheck?
Then shout, "Neti pot!"

Sing all together,
"I'm a little neti pot
Up your nose, here is..."

How much would you bet
That neti pots in action
Are some dude's fetish?

I'll be honest here...
This ad isn't exactly
Selling the product

Hear my fervent plea:
Flush my head of this foul snot!
Save me, Neti Pot.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dangerous Liaison

Watch it, Polar Bear!
If Daddy sees us like this
You'll be his new rug

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tornadoes Hit College Dorm

Study. Snooze. Alarm.
Drink. Study. Pee. Sleep. Noise. Wake.
Tornado. Ruin.